The Acne Clinic


In a short time, Shine MD has become a sought after destination for comprehensive care for acne and scar management. The team at Shine MD takes pride in offering treatments and technologies that are safe and effective for all skin types, ensuring a welcoming and inclusive environment for skin of color. Dr. Mona Khurana and the team at Shine MD are dedicated to supporting our patients in their self-care journeys, and creating a space where everyone can feel safe and accepted.

Book an acne consultation at our Vancouver location.

Acne is an extremely prevalent medical condition. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, approximately 85% of individuals are affected by acne at some point in their lives. However, acne care is often delayed as patients or their parents may see acne as a temporary phase of life. Patients can also feel overwhelmed by the abundance of information available about acne, and may not know the best approach to treat their specific skin type.

Read our Acne Scarring blog post for an in-depth Acne Scar treatment journey.

The Acne clinic at Shine MD is setting a new standard in acne care, combining medical, MSP-based treatments with combination treatments for both active acne and acne scarring.

Treatment Options for Active Acne

While living with acne can be challenging, it is important to remember that acne is treatable. At Shine MD, we offer a variety of treatments to suit your individual skin needs and provide you with the best possible results.

These treatments include:

Medical Management of Acne

Assessment and management of your acne by a physician or nurse practitioner is a key element to setting you up for freedom in your skin. Acne care with a physician is covered by the Medical Services Plan of BC. Referral is required.

Quality Skincare and Professional Consultation

We carry medical-grade skincare lines that are designed to complement your treatment plan. These products are proven by clinical data to provide superior results and to complement clinical procedures. At Shine MD, our team members will take time to answer all of your questions, make sure you understand the regimen you are taking home, and will conduct a follow-up to make sure your home care plan is going well.

Forever Clear BBL™

Forever Clear BBL™ is an innovative technology that uses intense pulsed light to treat acne and acne scarring. The treatment uses blue light to target bacteria, red and yellow lights to decrease inflammation and redness, and infrared light to heat the sebaceous glands. Heating the sebaceous glands decreases future breakouts and stimulates collagen production in the skin, improving the appearance of scars.

NeoClear Acne Laser

This no touch, minimal pain treatment helps to reduce sebum production, suppress inflammation and destroy acne causing bacteria. A series of treatments is recommended. Safe for all skin types and all year round.

Bela MD Medical-Grade Facials

Shine MD offers Bela MD medical-grade facials as an option to treat acne and address other individual skin concerns. Bela MD facials gently cleanse the pores, exfoliate the skin’s surface, extract sebum, and infuse the skin with your choice of a Pro-Infusion Serum®.

Chemical Peels

At Shine MD, we use medical-grade chemical peels to treat active acne, congested skin, acne scarring, age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. By gently removing the topmost layers of the skin, chemical peels brighten, tighten, and illuminate the appearance of the skin.


Morpheus8 is considered a dual treatment for both active acne and acne scarring. The treatment utilizes fine needles and radiofrequency energy to induce collagen, thereby tightening the skin and improving skin laxity and appearance of acne scars. The heat produced by this treatment also impacts the sebaceous glands where acne starts.


Shine MD is excited to introduce AviClear, the first and only FDA and Health Canada approved laser treatment that can lead to long term clearance of mild, moderate, and severe acne. Shine MD is proud to be the first clinic in Vancouver to offer this revolutionary technology.

Potenza Radiofrequency Microneedling

Potenza RF Microneedling is considered a dual treatment for both active acne and acne scarring. The heat produced by this treatment also impacts the sebaceous glands where acne starts. A single needle tip can treat solitary acne lesions. Fusion Facial can infuse topicals during your treatment. Can be combined with PicoSure Pro in a Cynoglow treatment.

Treatment Options for Acne Scars

Step 1: Adequate acne control

Step 2: Treatment of textural scarring with energy based devices such as Halo, Potenza and Morpheus8 Radiofrequency Microneedling and Ablative Erbium Laser Peels.

Step 3: Correction of pigment and redness related to either acne scarring or resurfacing treatments.

Step 4: Use of biostimulators such as Sculptra and Bellafill to further improve skin quality and textural acne scarring.

If you no longer have active acne but have visible acne scarring, there are treatment options available. At Shine MD, we offer a variety of treatments to fade acne scars and revitalize the skin’s overall appearance.At Shine MD, we have performed many procedures on patients of all skin types, with all degrees of acne scarring. The best results in any one given treatment combination are achieved with the use of the Shine MD Gold Standard. This treatment series consists of subcision with platelet rich plasma (physician performed) and Halo Hybrid Laser treatment. For severe acne scarring, microneedling or Morpheus8 can be added to this treatment to further improve your results.

Read our Acne Scarring blog post for an in-depth Acne Scar treatment journey.

When it comes to acne scarring, Shine MD is setting a new standard in offering multistep, advanced treatments to help maximize your outcomes in a single treatment day.

Treatment for acne scarring should be considered a multistep process that occurs over a series of treatments and can span upwards of one year depending on the severity of your acne scarring.

Acne Scar Treatment Options

Halo™ Hybrid Fractional Laser

The Halo™ is a hybrid fractional laser that simultaneously delivers two laser treatments to the skin. Together, the two lasers stimulate collagen and elastin production and target the pigment in the skin to result in a brighter, more even skin tone while simultaneously improving the tightness and texture of the skin.


Morpheus8 is considered a dual treatment for both active acne and acne scarring. The treatment utilizes fine needles and radiofrequency energy to induce collagen, thereby tightening the skin and improving skin laxity and appearance of acne scars. The heat produced by this treatment also impacts the sebaceous glands where acne starts.

Subcision with PRP

When subcision is performed, a needle or a cannula is gently inserted below atrophic or rolling scars. The needle is used to release the fibrous scar tissue from the skin below, improving the appearance of rolling acne scars. Subcision can be combined with mesotherapy, platelet-rich plasma, or fillers. Multiple sessions are often required for sequential improvement. Subcision is often coupled with the Profractional™ Laser or Halo™ to improve surface texture.


Sculptra is a biostimulator molecule that is injected below the skin to help improve the appearance of atrophic scars. A series of three treatments, one month apart are performed. Changes are progressive and subtle over six months as your body makes collagen to fill in the wavy depressions in the skin.

PicoSure Pro

PicoSure Pro is a powerful technology that treats pigmentation and acne scarring with minimal downtime. It is safe on all skin types and can be combined with Potenza RF Microneedling to complete a Cynoglow treatment. It has been named the Best Multitasking Laser in the New Beauty Awards and Best Beauty Buy in the 2022 InStyle Awards. Real Self ratings is 95% worth it!


Cynoglow is a powerful dual energy, bilayered treatment that includes the use of PicoSure Pro Laser and Potenza Radiofrequency Microneedling. This bilayered treatment targets the superficial and deeper layers of the skin and improves texture and pigmentation. Minimal downtime. Shine MD is one of the first clinics in Vancouver offering this powerful combination.

Potenza RF Microneedling

The Potenza Fusion Facial system allows for deep delivery of topical agents. With each pulse, the dual air chamber releases air and allows for the topical agent to penetrate the channels. This enhances the delivery of topicals such as Platelet Rich Plasma, Sculptra and hyaluronic acid fillers.

Forever Young BBL

Forever Young BBL® is a highly effective light-based treatment that provides a reset to the skin to reverse the effects of aging and improve the skin’s overall appearance. Forever Young BBL® is also a powerful, preventive tool for protecting your skin from developing signs of aging and sun damage in the future.

Neo Elite by Aerolase

This treatment is a no touch, minimal pain treatment that has quickly become a favorite for patients wanting to improve pigmentation and redness related to acne scarring. This treatment has minimal impact on textural acne scarring.


Microneedling is the process of using fine needles to puncture the skin to a controlled depth. This stimulates the body’s healing process, which leads to the formation of new collagen. Microneedling effectively treats acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, hair loss, loose skin, and stretch marks.


Moxi® is a revolutionary laser technology that evens the skin’s texture and tone to improve the complexion and treat pigmentation concerns. Moxi® can treat all skin types, requires minimal downtime, and is gentler than many alternatives. Moxi® is an excellent treatment for younger patients who wish to refresh their skin and prevent signs of aging.


ProFractional™ skin resurfacing works by creating thousands of microchannels in the skin rather than removing the skin’s entire surface. By leaving bridges of tissue between the channels intact, ProFractional™ laser treatment requires a shorter recovery with less discomfort for the patient.

Learn More About Acne

At Shine MD, we understand that the emotional and physical effects of acne and acne scarring are long lasting, and that effective, timely treatment can minimize the impact on one’s life and relationships. That is why our philosophy is that acne care should be convenient and accessible.

We offer physician-led medical management of acne that is covered by the Medical Services Plan of British Columbia. In person and virtual medical care options are available to help our patients overcome their acne and feel confident in their skin. You will require an MSP Referral from a primary care practitioner to access these services in the clinic. Other supportive treatments such as skin care, facials, and laser treatments can further improve your acne journey. These additional treatments are not covered by the provincial health plan.

Acne begins in the hair follicle and results from a combination of increased sebum production, blockage of the gland, presence of acne causing bacteria, and inflammation. Sebum and dead skin cells can build up inside hair follicles, clogging the pore. This creates an ideal environment for acne causing bacteria.

Many things can cause or influence the development of acne, including genetics, hormones, medications, diet, skin care, and lifestyle factors such as mask wearing.

Click here to learn more about the progression of an acne lesion.

There are several different kinds of acne, and the type of acne you have may affect what treatment option is best for you. The most minor forms of acne are whiteheads and blackheads (comedones), which are usually not inflamed. As acne lesions progress, they become inflammatory in nature and form papules, pustules, and nodules. These are often painful and extend deeper into the skin.

Acne also ranges in severity. Mild acne, consisting of blackheads and whiteheads, can often be treated with creams and lotions. Moderate or severe acne that is red, painful, and deep in your skin may require a combination of creams, lotions, and either oral contraceptives, antibiotics, or acne medication. Treatments such as medical-grade facials, chemical peels, and laser therapy can also effectively reduce active acne, inflammation, and scarring.

Not everyone who has acne will develop acne scars. It is impossible to know if someone’s acne will scar or not, but some risk factors can make acne scars more likely. According to a study published in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology, the risk factors that are correlated with increased likelihood of acne scarring are:

  • Acne severity. More severe acne has a greater likelihood of causing scarring. However, the severity of acne does not equal the severity of scarring, and even mild acne can cause scarring.
  • Time between acne onset and treatment. Acne is more likely to scar the longer it has been left untreated. One of the key prevention methods for acne scarring is to receive effective acne treatment as quickly as possible.
  • Relapsing acne. Acne that is recurring is more likely to scar than acne that completely resolves with treatment.
  • Gender. Men were found to be more likely to develop acne scars. However, people of all genders can experience acne scarring.

Your treatment plan at Shine MD will be based on the type of acne scarring that is present.
Common acne scar types include:

Boxcar Scars

These are depressions in the skin that have a vertical edge. Boxcar scars can be shallow or deep and can be classified as narrow or wide. Treatment options for boxcar scars include resurfacing lasers like Halo, Laser Peels, Microneedling, Radiofrequency Microneedling (Morpheus8 and Potenza) and Pico Sure Pro.

Ice Pick Scars

These scars are deeper, column-like scars that make the skin appear as if it were punctured by a tiny ice pick. These scars can be treated with resurfacing lasers, radiofrequency microneedling or with punch grafting, a minor procedure that surgically removes the deep scar. After punch grafting, the scar is usually reduced to a fine line, which can be further improved with resurfacing lasers.

Atrophic Scars or Rolling Scars

These scars are wavy depressions in the skin that can occur when bands of scar tissue form under the skin. Rolling scars can make the skin look uneven, and they are often more visible in certain angles of lighting. These scars are best treated with subcision augmented with platelet-rich plasma. The physician team at Shine MD also uses Sculptra and Bellafil to further improve the appearance and shadows that are created by these scars.

Hypertrophic and Keloid Scars

These scars are raised on the skin, and occur when the body produces excess scar tissue. Hypertrophic and keloid scars can be treated with steroid injections.

Pigmented Scars

These scars are more likely to occur in skin of color, and are related to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Pigmented scars can be treated with creams and lotions, as well as lasers such as the Forever Young BBL™, Halo™, Moxi, Aerolase, and PicoSure Pro.

Red Scars

Similar to pigmented scars, red scars are also related to inflammation and occur on all skin types. Red scars can be treated using the Forever Young BBL™ and Aerolase NeoClear or NeoSkin laser treatments.

Click here to see types of acne scars.

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Acne Condition B/A | Vancouver & Surrey BC

*Individual results may vary.